Posts tagged ‘Design’

Soft-factors: Hardware for Women

Thank you HP, these are designs showing laptops for women. Why not designing for grown-ups, metal-haters, buddhists…

April 8, 2009 at 10:24 am Leave a comment

Microsoft – Sustainability

Microsoft als Visionär? Kann man kaum glauben. Aber dieses Video zeigt im Marketing einen visionären Geist. Und – es sieht gut aus. Oh Gott, was ist da los? Video: Microsoft Sustainabilty.

March 23, 2009 at 11:07 am 1 comment

Ein Hoch auf Infografiken

Es mag etwas nerdig sein, aber ich habe eine Vorliebe für Infografiken und Diagramme. Hier versuchen Menschen, der Welt Ordnung beizubringen – so wie bei Biblediagrams. Besonders beeindrucken “2000 year timeline”.

Bei werden versteht man die Schönheit von Statistiken. Die Community ist aufgefordert Sätze wie “Zigaretten sind tot.” mit Ja oder Nein zu bewerten. Die User geben in Videos Gründe für Ihr Voting an.

February 27, 2009 at 6:07 pm 1 comment

Financial Crisis: Explain to me!

It is easy to understand why a car hit the tree, wenn you get out the car and look back. Especially if someone explains it as simple as this video. The Financial Crisis as a cartoon movie. To late, but still entertaining.

February 20, 2009 at 11:10 am Leave a comment

Not to forget

How could I forget Tomato? How could I forget Tomato? How could I forget Tomato? How could I forget Tomato? How could I forget Tomato? How could I forget Tomato? How could I forget Tomato? How could I forget Tomato? How could I forget Tomato? How could I forget Tomato? How could I forget Tomato? How could I forget Tomato? How could I forget Tomato? How could I forget Tomato? How could I forget Tomato? How could I forget Tomato?

February 13, 2009 at 4:39 pm 1 comment

Too dumb for Creativity?

Not a problem at all. Those pages with a lot of trash designs will help you to look like your were kickin’ ass on MySpace and others.

February 12, 2009 at 8:46 am Leave a comment

Full screen

Just when I have enough of these small buttoned Web 2.0-pages, someone eases my mind with a wonderful wide space web page. Kiss you for that. But please, brush your teeth first.

February 2, 2009 at 2:54 pm 1 comment

What is m o r p h e m ?

An open an shared blog to inform and comment on current digital trends one should stumble over. Be part of it, join the authors by contacting harald@taglinger.de______________ m o r p h e m informiert und kommentiert aktuelle digitale trends. Mitmachen? kontakten.
